Hi, I'm Benjamin Lee
Check out my latest work
I've worked on a diverse range of projects, spanning from simple web applications to sophisticated implemenations of machine learning algorithms. Here are a few of my favorites.
Wordle Clone
A full-stack implementation of the Wordle game. This application allows users to play the popular word-guessing game, track their scores, and view leaderboards. It features real time multiplayer functionality, enabling users to compete against each other live. Additionally, the application provides APIs for creating custom agents to play and compete in the game.
PPO in Super Mario Bros
An implementation of the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm in the game Super Mario Bros. This Python project demonstrates a practical and educational perspective on applying machine learning in gaming. The repo contains all code and a detailed report explaining the implementation of the PPO algorithm within the game context.
Wave Dashboard
A web application designed to visualize data from a complex machine learning model that analyzes wave data from the North-West coast of Western Australia. This application was developed specifically for a client, who was contracted by a prominent mining company in the area, to help them view and interpret the data used in their work.
Transperth Server Application
A server application that supports queries related to bus routes within a transport network. Created with using the standard TCP and UDP protocols operating over IP, as well as the communication between web browsers and application programs using HTTP and HTML.